Guy props is skateboard against the table and says, “Oh God, I drank so much. And you were so messed up, too!” How can I not listen in on a conversation that starts like that?
Ima impress you wit my drinkin’, mmmkay?
Skateboard Guy smacks the table hard to emphasize just how much he drank, then looks at his friends to make sure they’re getting just how damn good he is at drinking too much. Skateboard Girl chimes in with, “And Kathy? She was so drunk I think she did everyone!”
Quiet Guy asks, “Hey. You guys want a drink?”
Skateboard Guy says, “Yeah. I wanna frap.”
“Oh,” Quiet Guys says. “I meant water. I don’t got any money.”
“Jesus!” Skateboard Guy says.
Yeah. I remember my first beer, too.